

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Nov 30, 1916

Rating: 1916-11-30

Run Time: 12h 50m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: Harry Pollard Productions




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All of the navy men in a California port town have fallen in love with Jackie Holbrook, except for Captain Robert Crowne. As a result, roused by the challenge, Jackie decides that she must add Robert to her list of conquests. Disguising herself as a sailor, she leaves port on Robert's ship, which is headed for the island of Vergania to quell a native uprising. On the island, Robert is taken captive by the natives, and just as they prepare to sacrifice him, Jackie leads a successful rescue mission. Then, Jackie reveals herself to be a woman, and Robert, impressed with her beauty and bravery, instantly falls in love, and makes plans with her for an immediate marriage.

Main Cast

Margarita Fischer

Margarita Fischer

Jackie Holbrook

Age : N/A | Popularity : 19%

Jack Mower

Jack Mower

Capt. Robert Crowne

Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

J. Gordon Russell

J. Gordon Russell

Bill Blount

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

John Steppling

John Steppling

Undetermined role

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Harry A. Pollard
Harry A. Pollard
Writing Writer
Alfred Solman
Alfred Solman
Department Role Name

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