
TMDB Rating 3.8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: Mar 13, 2017

Rating: 2017-03-13

Run Time: 1h 24m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Germany , Mexico

Production Companies: Estudios Churubusco Azteca , Películas Avestruz , Phototaxia Pictures , Lince Film , Cornamusa Producciones




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Martina gets pregnant from her selfish boyfriend. Without knowing exactly what to do, she travels to Berlin to find her own father, the one she never met.

Main Cast

Sofía Espinosa

Sofía Espinosa


Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Claudette Maillé

Claudette Maillé


Age : N/A | Popularity : 24%

Esther Maria Pietsch

Esther Maria Pietsch


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Dieter Rita Scholl

Dieter Rita Scholl


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Harry Baer

Harry Baer

Wim Maller

Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%

Juan Carlos Colombo

Juan Carlos Colombo

Age : N/A | Popularity : 20%

Alaciel Molas

Alaciel Molas

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Caroline Erikson

Caroline Erikson

Age : 37 | Popularity : 22%


Department Role Name
Writing Screenplay
Sofía Espinosa
Sofía Espinosa
Max Zunino
Max Zunino
Directing Director
Max Zunino
Max Zunino
Sound Music
Sebastián Zunino
Sebastián Zunino
Jeanne Dureáult
Jeanne Dureáult
Sound Recordist
Jana Levi Arcega
Jana Levi Arcega
Adria Campmany
Adria Campmany
Fabio Espejo
Fabio Espejo
Jared Meier-Klodt
Jared Meier-Klodt
Dialogue Editor
Leonardo Granados
Leonardo Granados
Sound Designer
Sebastián Zunino
Sebastián Zunino
Production Producer
Alejandro Durán
Alejandro Durán
Sofía Espinosa
Sofía Espinosa
Joceline Hernández
Joceline Hernández
Gloria Carrasco
Gloria Carrasco
Max Zunino
Max Zunino
Cesar Ramos
Cesar Ramos
Isabel Morales Bondy
Isabel Morales Bondy
Alexis Rodil
Alexis Rodil
Production Manager
Pablo Ingercher Casas
Pablo Ingercher Casas
Kieven Herrasti
Kieven Herrasti
Line Producer
Alejandro Durán
Alejandro Durán
Isabel Morales Bondy
Isabel Morales Bondy
Tania Zamora
Tania Zamora
Editing Editor
Eduardo Palenque
Eduardo Palenque
Adriana Martínez
Adriana Martínez
Color Timer
Alexis Rodil
Alexis Rodil
Editorial Production Assistant
Ernesto Martínez Bucio
Ernesto Martínez Bucio
Crew Thanks
Sarah Hoch
Sarah Hoch
Isabel Muñoz
Isabel Muñoz
María Elena Rojas Henao
María Elena Rojas Henao
Mayela Carapia
Mayela Carapia
Post-Production Manager
Alexis Rodil
Alexis Rodil
Visual Effects Visual Effects
Diego Osorio Rubio
Diego Osorio Rubio
Iván España
Iván España
Camera Still Photographer
Cesar Ramos
Cesar Ramos
Director of Photography
Christian Trieloff
Christian Trieloff
Department Role Name

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