
TMDB Rating 6.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Nov 10, 2022

Rating: 2022-11-10

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Argentina

Production Companies: Serie Gong Cine - La Zanfoña , 36 Caballos



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The film is set in the world of the “arbolitos", those characters that, planted along the Florida pedestrian street, offer tourists in Buenos Aires to buy their dollars at the best price. There takes place the life of a young man who is moved by the ambition to raise the money that allows him to improve his life in the shortest possible time, and that he will not hesitate to take the necessary risks to achieve it.

Main Cast

Ignacio Quesada

Ignacio Quesada


Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Camila Peralta

Camila Peralta


Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Valeria Santa

Valeria Santa


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Darío Levy

Darío Levy


Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Tomas Corradi

Tomas Corradi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Mucio Manchini

Mucio Manchini


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Alejandro Menéndez

Alejandro Menéndez


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Miguel García Candela

Miguel García Candela


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Lautaro García Candela
Lautaro García Candela
Assistant Director
Sonia Stigliano
Sonia Stigliano
Andrés Medina
Andrés Medina
Juana García Blaya
Juana García Blaya
Writing Screenplay
Lautaro García Candela
Lautaro García Candela
Script Consultant
Javier Rao
Javier Rao
Crew Cinematography
Joaquín Neira
Joaquín Neira
Editing Editor
Ramiro Sonzini
Ramiro Sonzini
Lautaro García Candela
Lautaro García Candela
Color Grading
Daniel Carrizo
Daniel Carrizo
Art Art Direction
Santino Mondini
Santino Mondini
Assistant Art Director
Catalina Basso
Catalina Basso
Francisco García Morteo
Francisco García Morteo
Micaela Lauro
Micaela Lauro
Sound Sound
Javier Jensen
Javier Jensen
Dante De Luca
Dante De Luca
Sound Post Production Coordinator
Camilo Molina
Camilo Molina
Martin Gorosito
Martin Gorosito
Production Producer
Pablo Piedras
Pablo Piedras
Magdalena Schavelzon
Magdalena Schavelzon
Gonzalo García-Pelayo
Gonzalo García-Pelayo
Executive Producer
Juan Segundo Álamos
Juan Segundo Álamos
Iván Moscovich
Iván Moscovich
Production Manager
Juan Segundo Álamos
Juan Segundo Álamos
Producer's Assistant
Franca Cullen
Franca Cullen
Ingrid Pokropek
Ingrid Pokropek
Production Trainee
Clara Jouglard
Clara Jouglard
Paloma de La Jara
Paloma de La Jara
Ana Balduini
Ana Balduini
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Mia Casaretto
Mia Casaretto
Rocío Prat Gay
Rocío Prat Gay
Camera Focus Puller
Camila Suárez Folch
Camila Suárez Folch
Yerimen Wolf
Yerimen Wolf
Nicole Perren
Nicole Perren
Lighting Gaffer
Francisco De Santis
Francisco De Santis
Francisco García Morteo
Francisco García Morteo
Tomás Regidor
Tomás Regidor
Diego Boccacci
Diego Boccacci
Micaela Lauro
Micaela Lauro
Visual Effects VFX Supervisor
Andrés Medina
Andrés Medina
Compositing Supervisor
Andrés Medina
Andrés Medina
Department Role Name

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