Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
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Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Oct 3, 2012
Rating: 2012-10-03
Run Time: 1h 58m
Original Language: German
Website: -
Production Countries: Germany
Production Companies: ARD
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Eleven moving dates, eight friends: Philipp, Wiebke, Jessica, Maria, Swantje, Michael, Thomas, Dina – all in their twenties and mutually lonesome. And always searching: For a new city, a new job, an own apartment, a new, or even an old love. The search is never-ending, and so they repeatedly find themselves at a ritual gathering: someone moving. Boxes are shifted from one side of Berlin to the other, or the length and breadth of Germany, from one abode to the next as one life is exchanged for another. In 3 ZIMMER/KÜCHE/BAD, director Dietrich Brüggemann portrays existences in which relationships, social networks and backdrops are in a constant state of flux; where best friends are the only, and therefore the most valuable constant. Humorous sketches of the self-conception of a generation for whom moving has become the symbol of a life on the go.
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Writer |
Anna Brüggemann
Dietrich Brüggemann
Directing | Director |
Dietrich Brüggemann
Camera | Director of Photography |
Alexander Sass
Department | Role | Name |