Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 4
Release Date: Sep 16, 2023
Rating: 2023-09-16
Run Time: 1h 49m
Original Language: Chinese
Website: -
Production Countries: China
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A mysterious letter addressed to Wu Lao Gou, Wu Xie's deceased grandfather, disrupted the retirement plan of the Golden Trio, i.e., Wu Xie, Zhang Qi Ling, and Wang Pang Zi. The letter referred to a mysterious underground palace called "Comet" in Mongolia. The Golden Trio decided to explore it, only to get involved in an unimaginable adventure and encounter treacherous Mongolian bandits, the countdown to escape from the "Comet", the weird rules of the burial chamber, and the invisible entity... The Golden Trio had no choice but to take a leap of faith...
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Chen Juli
Writing | Screenplay |
Xu Lei
Department | Role | Name |