Revenue: $0
Budget: $8,000
Profit: - $-8,000
Movie Details
Tag Line: The year is 1981. The camera is VHS. The house is haunted.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Oct 1, 2018
Rating: 2018-10-01
Run Time: 12h 38m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies: Sympatico
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Every small town has a haunted house located within its borders. If not haunted by things unseen and unknown, then a place borne of violent tragedy. Some of these houses become legendary and enter the national conscience. The Amityville Horror in upstate New York comes to mind. Tonight is the five-year anniversary of the Cavanaugh family massacre, and for the first time in several years someone will dare to enter the belly of the beast in Edgewood, Maryland--the Murder House.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Billy Chizmar
Richard Chizmar
Writing | Writer |
Billy Chizmar
Richard Chizmar
Production | Producer |
Brandon Lescure
Department | Role | Name |