
TMDB Rating 5.9
IMDB Rating 5.3
RottenTomatoes Rating 13%


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Nov 9, 2017

Rating: 2017-10-07

Run Time: 1h 47m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Belgium , France , Ireland , Spain

Production Companies: Frakas Productions , Fantastic Films , Castelao Productions , Filmax , Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland , Eurimages , Canal+ , Ciné+ , Casa Kafka Pictures , The Jokers Films , MEDIA Programme of the European Union




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Samuel Salomon, a literature professor, has been off work for almost a year after the tragic death of his girlfriend. Samuel has been suffering from a recurring nightmare in which a woman is brutally murdered in a strange ritual. Suddenly, the same woman who appears every night in his dreams is found dead in exactly the same circumstances. Samuel sneaks into the crime scene and there he meets Rachel who has also dreamed about the murder. Together, they will do whatever they can to discover the identity of the mystery woman, entering a terrifying world controlled by the figures who have inspired artists throughout time: the Muses.

Main Cast

Elliot Cowan

Elliot Cowan

Samuel Salomon

Age : 48 | Popularity : 43%

Franka Potente

Franka Potente

Susan Gilard

Age : N/A | Popularity : 78%

Ana Ularu

Ana Ularu


Age : N/A | Popularity : 76%

Leonor Watling

Leonor Watling

Lidia Garetti

Age : N/A | Popularity : 61%

Manuela Vellés

Manuela Vellés


Age : N/A | Popularity : 30%

Joanne Whalley

Joanne Whalley


Age : N/A | Popularity : 92%

Christopher Lloyd

Christopher Lloyd

Bernard Rauschen

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Cally O'Connell

Cally O'Connell


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%


Department Role Name
Writing Screenplay
Jaume Balagueró
Jaume Balagueró
Fernando Navarro
Fernando Navarro
José Carlos Somoza
José Carlos Somoza
Directing Director
Jaume Balagueró
Jaume Balagueró
Second Assistant Director
Maéva Buisse
Maéva Buisse
First Assistant Director
Fernando Sánchez-Izquierdo
Fernando Sánchez-Izquierdo
Production Production Manager
Teresa Gefaell
Teresa Gefaell
Albert Espel
Albert Espel
Unit Production Manager
Ailish Bracken
Ailish Bracken
Line Producer
John Brady
John Brady
Marianne Lambert
Marianne Lambert
Albert Espel
Albert Espel
Brendan McCarthy
Brendan McCarthy
John McDonnell
John McDonnell
Carlos Fernández
Carlos Fernández
Executive Producer
Adrià Monés
Adrià Monés
Laura Fernández
Laura Fernández
Jean-Yves Roubin
Jean-Yves Roubin
Cristina Campos
Cristina Campos
Art Production Design
André Fonsny
André Fonsny
Set Decoration
Pascalle Willame
Pascalle Willame
Crew Special Effects
Montse Ribé
Montse Ribé
Michael Roe
Michael Roe
David Martí
David Martí
Visual Effects Special Effects Supervisor
Gerry Johnston
Gerry Johnston
Editing Editor
Manuel Puro
Manuel Puro
Guillermo de la Cal
Guillermo de la Cal
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Catherine Van Bree
Catherine Van Bree
Sound Sound Designer
Marc Orts
Marc Orts
Aza Hand
Aza Hand
Original Music Composer
Stephen Rennicks
Stephen Rennicks
Camera Director of Photography
Pablo Rosso
Pablo Rosso
Department Role Name

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