
TMDB Rating 9


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 9

Release Date: Dec 15, 2014

Rating: 2014-12-15

Run Time: 12h 00m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: Falcon Studios




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Naughty Pines, Part 1 is the first satisfying part of Falcon's Fall Blockbuster, and it's filled with non-stop, man on man action. Boyfriends Colt Rivers and Owen Michaels haven't had much excitement in their love life lately, so it comes as a total surprise to Colt when Owen whisks him away on a surprise weekend trip. Their destination: Naughty Pines, a private men's retreat nestled deep in the northern California mountains, where steamy hookups are as plentiful as trees in the forest. Presiding over Naughty Pines is owner Ryan Rose, with an ass that makes cocks as hard as the redwoods. In part one, Ryan gets horned up by the naked studs playing touch football in the yard, Ryan pulls Zack Randall inside his cabin for another body-contact sport. Connor Maguire coaxes Mike Gaite into his tent for a sweaty, afternoon sex romp. Chris Bines stumbles upon Brian Bonds enjoying an open-air wank in the woods, and joins him for an impromptu flip-fuck on a tree stump as Colt Rivers looks on.

Main Cast

Brian Bonds

Brian Bonds

Age : 36 | Popularity : 8%

Chris Bines

Chris Bines

Age : 38 | Popularity : 7%

Colt Rivers

Colt Rivers

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Connor Maguire

Connor Maguire

Age : 34 | Popularity : 33%

Luke Adams

Luke Adams

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Mike Gaite

Mike Gaite

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Ryan Rose

Ryan Rose

Age : 39 | Popularity : 20%

Sean Zevran

Sean Zevran

Age : N/A | Popularity : 31%


No Crew Added For This Movie Yet.

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