Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Dec 23, 2015
Rating: 2015-12-23
Run Time: 1h 37m
Original Language: langcode.id
Website: -
Production Countries: Indonesia
Production Companies: Falcon Pictures
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A story of a bond shared between five best friends. The journey to find meaning in life, to discover their dreams, to overcome their struggles, and to seek love in a foreign country, the Netherlands.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Endri Pelita
First Assistant Director |
Deasy Buwana
Second Assistant Director |
Hamka Novan
Script Supervisor |
Ramadhan Setiawan
Writing | Screenplay |
Titien Wattimena
Novel |
Annisa Rijadi
Rizki Pandu Permana
Adept Widiarsa
Editing | Editor |
Cesa David Luckmansyah
Wawan I. Wibowo
Assistant Editor |
Apriady Fathullah Sikumbang
Online Editor |
Pawan Sanjaya
Robert Oktavianus
Fransiscus Xaverius
Camera | Director of Photography |
Yoyok Budi Santoso
Still Photographer |
Utomo Kurniadi
BTS Photographer |
Utomo Kurniadi
Assistant Camera |
Rusman Effendi
Petr Soukup
Digital Imaging Technician |
Citra Ananda
Steadicam Operator |
Erwan van Buuren
Art | Art Direction |
Tri Israni Arayana
Pavle Mihalic
Assistant Art Director |
Robby Van Boeien
Production | Executive Producer |
Dallas Sinaga
HB Naveen
Producer |
Martin Beinhaver
Production Designer |
HB Naveen
Production Manager |
Deni Dirmansyah
Wiwit Matahari
Annika Kuyper
Post Producer |
Dewi Soemartojo
Casting Director |
Nova Sardjono
Production Assistant |
Evi Yulianti
Adhi Suharja Jacko
Agung Udijana
Adondrej Pech
Zuzana Frasova
Location Manager |
Rahman Tatto
Yudi Cemong
Leo Cina
Annika Kuyper
Antonin Parazsky
Finance |
Aditiya Arlandia
Yossi Novita
Line Producer |
Wiwit Matahari
Monika Hronova
Production Accountant |
Henri van Eijnatten
Casting Associate |
Agung Udijana
Production Runner |
Timothy Van Der Wal
Production Coordinator |
Jan Reharka
Administration |
Miranti Luckmansyah
Post Production Producer |
Vita Anggra
Sound | Sound Designer |
Khikmawan Santosa
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Music Director |
Andhika Triyadi
Sound Recordist |
Yarri BS
Supervising Sound Editor |
Khikmawan Santosa
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Vocals |
Rafika Saleh
Dialogue Editor |
Khikmawan Santosa
Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar
Sound Effects Editor |
Yordana Alfarisyi
ADR Mixer |
Utama Riadi Putra
Foley Mixer |
Moch. Zaqi
Foley Artist |
Joko Prawoto
Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Khikmawan Santosa
Visual Effects | Visual Effects Designer |
Pawan Sanjaya
Rotoscoping Artist |
Budi Prasetio Hamami
Johan Lasfuddiharso
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Designer |
Quartini Sari
Makeup Artist |
Tomo Sastra
Hairstylist |
Daniel Putra
Assistant Makeup Artist |
Daniel Putra
Assistant Costume Designer |
Denis Agung
Department | Role | Name |