
TMDB Rating 5.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Jan 12, 1977

Rating: 1977-01-12

Run Time: 1h 31m

Original Language: Italian

Website: -

Production Countries: Italy

Production Companies: International Movies , Rewind Film




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Nine members of an extremely rich and hateful family have decided to have a reunion on a remote island in the Mediterranean. No sooner than their arrival, old grudges, resentments, and feuds make themselves known, along with allusions to some more macabre events in their past. But when their boats are sabotaged, thus stranding them without any connection to the mainland, it becomes clear that someone is not willing to let old wounds heal, a fact made all the more clear as bodies start to pile up...

Main Cast

Arthur Kennedy

Arthur Kennedy


Age : N/A | Popularity : 35%

John Richardson

John Richardson


Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%

Caroline Laurence

Caroline Laurence


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Massimo Foschi

Massimo Foschi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Loretta Persichetti

Loretta Persichetti


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Sofia Dionisio

Sofia Dionisio

Carla (as Flavia Fabiani)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

Dana Ghia

Dana Ghia


Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Rita Silva

Rita Silva


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%


Department Role Name
Production Accountant
Pietro Santini
Pietro Santini
General Manager
Giorgio Oddi
Giorgio Oddi
Production Manager
Maurizio Marvisi
Maurizio Marvisi
Production Secretary
Tito Boldrini
Tito Boldrini
Executive Producer
Nino Segurini
Nino Segurini
Mario Forges Davanzati
Mario Forges Davanzati
Mario Di Nardo
Mario Di Nardo
Directing Script Supervisor
Rosaria Cilento
Rosaria Cilento
First Assistant Director
Raffaele Errigo
Raffaele Errigo
Ferdinando Baldi
Ferdinando Baldi
Costume & Make-Up Seamstress
Carla Migianu
Carla Migianu
Adriana Masseroni
Adriana Masseroni
Lidia Puglia
Lidia Puglia
Makeup Artist
Marisa Marconi
Marisa Marconi
Camera Still Photographer
Alfio Quattrini
Alfio Quattrini
Key Grip
Tarcisio Diamanti
Tarcisio Diamanti
Camera Operator
Dante Di Palma
Dante Di Palma
Assistant Camera
Ettore Corso
Ettore Corso
Director of Photography
Sergio Rubini
Sergio Rubini
Lighting Electrician
Nazzareno Belardinelli
Nazzareno Belardinelli
Visual Effects Visual Effects
Mauro Grilli
Mauro Grilli
Sound Sound
Pietro Spadoni
Pietro Spadoni
Boom Operator
Angelo Spadoni
Angelo Spadoni
Sound Mixer
Renato Cadueri
Renato Cadueri
Original Music Composer
Carlo Savina
Carlo Savina
Art Property Master
Angeluccio Maccarinelli
Angeluccio Maccarinelli
Set Designer
Loriano Cartesi
Loriano Cartesi
Production Design
Giovanni Licheri
Giovanni Licheri
Editing Editor
Enzo Micarelli
Enzo Micarelli
Writing Story
Fabio Pittorru
Fabio Pittorru
Fabio Pittorru
Fabio Pittorru
Department Role Name

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