Revenue: $0
Budget: $12,000
Profit: - $-12,000
Movie Details
Tag Line: A Slice of Suburban Life
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Mar 16, 2019
Rating: 2020-08-14
Run Time: 1h 15m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies:
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A Community college burnout in the making Crispin, spends the majority of his time stuck on repeat with a longtime group of childhood friends. But his newfound desire to move out of his suburban hometown prompts him to land a job at the local, rundown Northwood Pizza. There he meets a group of employees as attached to their jobs as Crispin's friends are to their city; including Sierra, a girl whose musings lie deeper than most. Through his experiences with his friends, coworkers, and a kindling relationship, Crispin Learns to embrace his higher ambitions.
Department | Role | Name |
Crew | Cinematography |
John Corum
Writing | Writer |
Jay Salahi
Todd Knaak
Directing | Director |
Jay Salahi
Production | Producer |
Jay Salahi
Todd Knaak
Associate Producer |
Carlos Uribe
Kevin M. Slee
Editing | Editor |
Alex Ivany
Assistant Editor |
Jay Salahi
Department | Role | Name |