
TMDB Rating 6.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jan 1, 1965

Rating: 2021-09-25

Run Time: 12h 05m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Cuba

Production Companies: ICAIC




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Using morgue photos, newsreel footage, and a recording by Lena Horne, Cuban filmmaker Santiago Alvarez fired off 'Now!', one of the most powerful bursts of propaganda rendered in the 1960s.

Main Cast

Lena Horne

Lena Horne

Self (voice)

Age : 92 | Popularity : 34%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Santiago Álvarez
Santiago Álvarez
Sound Music
Lena Horne
Lena Horne
Adalberto Jiménez
Adalberto Jiménez
Editing Editor
Adalberto Galvez
Adalberto Galvez
Idalberto Gálvez
Idalberto Gálvez
Norma Torrado
Norma Torrado
Negative Cutter
Rosalina Saavedra
Rosalina Saavedra
Visual Effects Visual Effects
Herrera G.
Herrera G.
José Martínez
José Martínez
Delia Quesada
Delia Quesada
Camera Camera Operator
Alberto Hernández
Alberto Hernández
Pepin Rodriguez
Pepin Rodriguez
Department Role Name

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