
TMDB Rating 8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Jun 25, 2021

Rating: 2021-06-25

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: Portuguese

Website: Link

Production Countries: Brazil

Production Companies: Fraga Filmes , Primeiro Olho Filmes , Onze Filmes




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THE ARTIST AND THE FORCE OF THOUGHT, reflects the relationship between balance and imbalance within the partiality of movement of the dancer Marcos Abranches. It oscillates the body to wake up from the emptiness and isolation caused by the imbalance. The movement's lack of aesthetics is felt by abandonment and rejection, understanding that relief is in the support of love. Investigating body movement in a world without anguish, without pain, without despair. Search for life. Find in dance the balance of the body and the beauty of the soul.

Main Cast

Marcos Abranches

Marcos Abranches


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Ivam Cabral

Ivam Cabral


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Elder Fraga
Elder Fraga
Writing Screenplay
Elder Fraga
Elder Fraga
Daniele Fontana
Daniele Fontana
Camera Director of Photography
Caue Angeli
Caue Angeli
Sound Sound
Eduardo Rodrigues
Eduardo Rodrigues
Sound Designer
Daniel Malferrari
Daniel Malferrari
Editing Editor
Caue Angeli
Caue Angeli
Tomires Ribeiro
Tomires Ribeiro
Elder Fraga
Elder Fraga
Art Art Direction
Gabriela Wazlawick
Gabriela Wazlawick
Elder Fraga
Elder Fraga
Art Designer
Julio Quinan
Julio Quinan
Costume & Make-Up Costumer
Gabriela Wazlawick
Gabriela Wazlawick
Visual Effects Animation
Jônatan Macedo
Jônatan Macedo
Production Production Director
Elder Fraga
Elder Fraga
Gabriela Wazlawick
Gabriela Wazlawick
Executive Producer
Elder Fraga
Elder Fraga
Caue Angeli
Caue Angeli
Gabriela Wazlawick
Gabriela Wazlawick
Department Role Name

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