
TMDB Rating 3.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 3

Release Date: Mar 24, 2023

Rating: 2023-03-24

Run Time: 1h 56m

Original Language: Hindi

Website: -

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A serial killer strikes back in London after laying low for three years. Amar, the investigating detective has since resigned from the job but is brought back to crack the case. Amar decides to return and resolve the case once and for all.

Main Cast

Jimmy Shergill

Jimmy Shergill

Amar Singh

Age : N/A | Popularity : 49%

Vedieka Dutt

Vedieka Dutt

Lisa Varma

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Ankur Bhatia

Ankur Bhatia

Kevin Da Costa

Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Hritiqa Chheber

Hritiqa Chheber

Sonya Kapoor

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Sneha Singh

Sneha Singh


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Sammy Jonas Heaney

Sammy Jonas Heaney

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Lee Nicholas Harris

Lee Nicholas Harris

Armed Police Officer

Age : N/A | Popularity : 37%

Farooq Azam

Farooq Azam

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Sudipto Sarkar
Sudipto Sarkar
Assistant Director
Rakxit Gowda
Rakxit Gowda
Shubha Das Mollick
Shubha Das Mollick
Deepa Shahi
Deepa Shahi
Tom Stanimeros
Tom Stanimeros
Vishal Dave
Vishal Dave
Assistant Director Trainee
Aadi Mudhar
Aadi Mudhar
Writing Original Story
Anthony Khatchaturian
Anthony Khatchaturian
Sudipto Sarkar
Sudipto Sarkar
Prabhav Praful Katdare
Prabhav Praful Katdare
Sudipto Sarkar
Sudipto Sarkar
Prateek Payodhi
Prateek Payodhi
Laxmi Narayan Payodhi
Laxmi Narayan Payodhi
Anyaman Majumdar
Anyaman Majumdar
Art Production Design
Deepali Garg
Deepali Garg
Production Executive Producer
Sushanto Sarkar
Sushanto Sarkar
Sarbari Sikdar
Sarbari Sikdar
Production Manager
Apurva Gondalia
Apurva Gondalia
Andres Ortiz Pinilla
Andres Ortiz Pinilla
Malkit Bharj
Malkit Bharj
Sound Music
Savvy Gupta
Savvy Gupta
Sound Designer
Tanmaya Das
Tanmaya Das
Abinash Mishra
Abinash Mishra
Editing Editor
Sandeep Sethy
Sandeep Sethy
Digital Intermediate Colorist
Yassine Nchoubi
Yassine Nchoubi
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Shreya Banerjee
Shreya Banerjee
Makeup Department Head
Simone Beyleveld
Simone Beyleveld
Costume Supervisor
Anusri Jain
Anusri Jain
Crew Creative Consultant
Manoj Jha
Manoj Jha
Fight Choreographer
Andy King
Andy King
Tejas Dattani
Tejas Dattani
Stephanie Dattani
Stephanie Dattani
Camera Director of Photography
Santonio Terzio
Santonio Terzio
Department Role Name

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