

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Sep 3, 2015

Rating: 2015-09-03

Run Time: 12h 59m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Estonia

Production Companies: Homeless Bob Production




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A documentary following an Estonian fashion designer Reet Aus on a global tour to explore the origin process and the environmental footprints of today's fast paced fashion industry. On the road the mission takes an unexpected turn towards trying to introduce her "upcycling" inspired product line to some of the major fashion retailers to increase awareness of the massive resource waste built into the current product lifecycle.

Main Cast

Reet Aus

Reet Aus


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Camera Director of Photography
Mart Taniel
Mart Taniel
Lennart Laberenz
Lennart Laberenz
"B" Camera Operator
Ville Hyvönen
Ville Hyvönen
Jaak Kilmi
Jaak Kilmi
Erik Norkroos
Erik Norkroos
Kullar Viimne
Kullar Viimne
Marianne Kõrver
Marianne Kõrver
Mustafa Celik
Mustafa Celik
Aleksandr Heifets
Aleksandr Heifets
Directing Director
Jaak Kilmi
Jaak Kilmi
Lennart Laberenz
Lennart Laberenz
Sound Sound Designer
Matis Rei
Matis Rei
Original Music Composer
Jarek Kasar
Jarek Kasar
Assistant Sound Editor
Kaspar Kadastik
Kaspar Kadastik
Sound Recordist
Tarvo Schmeimann
Tarvo Schmeimann
Editing Online Editor
Jan Viljus
Jan Viljus
Liis Nimik
Liis Nimik
Mart Taniel
Mart Taniel
Production Producer
Katrin Kissa
Katrin Kissa
Jaak Kilmi
Jaak Kilmi
Development Producer
Marianne Kõrver
Marianne Kõrver
Post Production Coordinator
Lili Pilt
Lili Pilt
Art Graphic Designer
Jan Tomson
Jan Tomson
Visual Effects Animation
Indrek Ups
Indrek Ups
Merili Laur
Merili Laur
Olga Bulgakova
Olga Bulgakova
Sergei Kibus
Sergei Kibus
Triin Paumer
Triin Paumer
Urmas Jõemees
Urmas Jõemees
Department Role Name

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