
TMDB Rating 7.5
IMDB Rating 7.3


Revenue: $688,995

Budget: $0

Profit: + $688,995

Movie Details

Tag Line: The winter is nearing and our two handymen can't wait for their winter fun.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Nov 18, 2018

Rating: 2018-11-22

Run Time: 1h 00m

Original Language: Czech

Website: -

Production Countries: Czech Republic

Production Companies: Patmat film , Česká televize




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It is for the first time to see Pat and Mat enjoying the winter. How will they handle the decoration of their houses for he Christmas, and what presents will they found under the Christmas tree. And do they have the same Christmas tree as we know, or will they make their special one. How will the solve the snow calamity and what a new machine will they make? After having fun in the snow the hot sauna would be perfect so lets build it. And how do they celebrate the end of the year?

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Marek Beneš
Marek Beneš
Assistant Director
Jan Chvojka
Jan Chvojka
Jaroslav Baran
Jaroslav Baran
Sound Music
Zdeněk Zdeněk
Zdeněk Zdeněk
Karel Štulo
Karel Štulo
Sound Effects
Andrea Veselková
Andrea Veselková
Marika Novotná
Marika Novotná
Sound Mixer
František Svačina
František Svačina
Original Music Composer
Petr Skoumal
Petr Skoumal
Visual Effects Animation
Jan Smrčka
Jan Smrčka
Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly
Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly
Wang Peipei
Wang Peipei
Xiang Weiwei
Xiang Weiwei
Li Xianngyoun
Li Xianngyoun
Yu Huagong
Yu Huagong
Xiao Xieliang
Xiao Xieliang
Denis Kozlov
Denis Kozlov
Production Producer
Tomáš Eiselt
Tomáš Eiselt
Martin Paleček
Martin Paleček
Executive Producer
Veronika Trčková
Veronika Trčková
Barbara Johnsonová
Barbara Johnsonová
Production Manager
Patrik Stanko
Patrik Stanko
Writing Writer
Štěpán Gajdoš
Štěpán Gajdoš
Tomáš Vlasák
Tomáš Vlasák
Jaroslav Baran
Jaroslav Baran
Crew Dramaturgy
Jana Kubíčková
Jana Kubíčková
Kateřina Krejčí
Kateřina Krejčí
Camera Director of Photography
Jan Chvojka
Jan Chvojka
Art Art Designer
Lubomír Beneš
Lubomír Beneš
Vladimír Jiránek
Vladimír Jiránek
Editing Editor
Marek Beneš
Marek Beneš
Department Role Name

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