Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: May 20, 1998
Rating: 1998-05-20
Run Time: 1h 58m
Original Language: English
Website: -
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Scene 1: Playmates for Bucky: When you're a 35 year old infant it's hard to get playmates. Some parents just don't understand. But this daddy knows just what to do. Scene 2: Dental Dilemma: This little girl went in to get her braces adjusted but instead got her ass fucked out of whack. Welcome to Dentist Dave's office. You want your teeth whiter? He'll brush something on that's real white. Scene 3: My Boyfriend: Her attachment to her plastic friend had reached epic proportions when her family finnaly intervened. Hiring a cult deprogrammer to wean Leigh from her rubber lover was the logical step. Scene 4: Hare up my Ass: Here comes Peter Cock 'n' Tail, Pumpin up the pussy trail. Wiith a stroke and a poke and jizm's on its way.
Main Cast
Toni Ribas
Age : 49 | Popularity : 94%
Kyle Stone
Age : 54 | Popularity : 10%
Herschel Savage
Age : N/A | Popularity : 29%
Sophie Evans
Age : 48 | Popularity : 9%
Dave Hardman
Age : 64 | Popularity : 5%
Joel Lawrence
Age : 53 | Popularity : 9%
Vanda Vitus
Age : 45 | Popularity : 39%
Judith Kostner
Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%