

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jul 31, 2004

Rating: 2004-07-31

Run Time: 1h 54m

Original Language: langcode.id

Website: -

Production Countries: Indonesia

Production Companies: MVP Pictures




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Budiman, a 10-year-old boy, lives in the village and dreams of going to Jakarta. This obsession grows when his uncle sends him the map of Jakarta plus his self-portrait, standing in front of a luxurious car and house. His father, Darsono, works as a village official, but the village head, Lurah Sarkawi, uses Darsono as a scapegoat to cover up his corruption. So Budiman wants to free his father from prison. So he leaves his village in Muntilan, Central Java for Jakarta. Initially, he is accompanied by Rini but they separate later. Then Budiman meets Marsya, a singer, who is also the daughter of her uncle's boss. On the journey, Budiman is chased by Sarkawi’s goons, Diran and Dirun. The film resembles the Hollywood film, "Home Alone".

Main Cast

Joshua Suherman

Joshua Suherman


Age : 32 | Popularity : 12%




Age : 35 | Popularity : 2%

Cecep Reza

Cecep Reza


Age : 31 | Popularity : 6%

Mathias Muchus

Mathias Muchus


Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Ayu Dyah Pasha

Ayu Dyah Pasha

Ibu Marsya

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Karlina Inawati

Karlina Inawati

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Krissno Bossa

Krissno Bossa

Sumadi (Lurah Sarkawi)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Edi Oglek

Edi Oglek


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Winaldha E. Melalatoa
Winaldha E. Melalatoa
Edy Mandala
Edy Mandala
Writing Story
Jujur Prananto
Jujur Prananto
Jujur Prananto
Jujur Prananto
Production Producer
Raam Punjabi
Raam Punjabi
Executive Producer
Gobind Punjabi
Gobind Punjabi
Sukhdev Singh
Sukhdev Singh
Post Production Coordinator
Alexander Laguna Sonneville
Alexander Laguna Sonneville
Supervising Producer
Wicky V. Olindo
Wicky V. Olindo
Casting Coordinator
Shirley T. Calibara
Shirley T. Calibara
Unit Manager
Mochtar Effendy AR
Mochtar Effendy AR
Assistant Unit Manager
Derry Damastha
Derry Damastha
Sonny Wahyu
Sonny Wahyu
Taufik Sunarta
Taufik Sunarta
Eko Aposta
Eko Aposta
Sound Sound Designer
Satrio Budiono
Satrio Budiono
Adityawan Susanto
Adityawan Susanto
Music Director
Pongky Prasetyo
Pongky Prasetyo
Joseph S. Djafar
Joseph S. Djafar
Art Art Direction
Cecep Aruman
Cecep Aruman
Graphic Designer
Alexander Laguna Sonneville
Alexander Laguna Sonneville
Creative Director
Raakhee Punjabi
Raakhee Punjabi
Assistant Art Director
Oim Pangandaran
Oim Pangandaran
Editing Editor
Pungki Marsya
Pungki Marsya
Supervising Editor
Sanjeev Bhandari
Sanjeev Bhandari
Assistant Editor
Iwan Ronny
Iwan Ronny
Camera Director of Photography
Hasmyral Ichsan
Hasmyral Ichsan
Costume & Make-Up Costume Designer
Dewi Helda Handayani
Dewi Helda Handayani
Makeup Artist
Dewi Helda Handayani
Dewi Helda Handayani
Assistant Makeup Artist
Lis Pudji Astuti
Lis Pudji Astuti
Assistant Costume Designer
Lis Pudji Astuti
Lis Pudji Astuti
Department Role Name

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