
IMDB Rating 6.4


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Sep 4, 1984

Rating: 1984-09-04

Run Time: 12h 00m

Original Language: Hindi

Website: -

Production Countries: India

Production Companies:




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Lali Chowdhury is a young woman who lives a wealthy lifestyle with her brother, Arun; dad, and cousins Shobha and Neetu. She has come of age and her dad would like her to get married and settle. She has many suitors like Raviraj, Mohan, & Prakash Khatri, but she does not like any of them. Then one day Arun brings home a helpful young man named Rajiv Mathur, who has to work in a nearby village as a Welfare Officer. Rajiv is not impressed with Lali's rudeness and chastises her publicly. Subsequently, Rajiv and Lali fall in love with each other and decide to get married, much to the delight of the Chowdhury family, who approve of Rajiv. On the day of the engagement, Lali insults Rajiv, and tells everyone that she only gave her consent to marry him because she wanted to avenge her humiliation at his hands when he had chastised her. Watch what impact this move on Lali's part has on Rajiv, on one hand, and the Chowdhury family on the other.

Main Cast

Debashree Roy

Debashree Roy

Age : N/A | Popularity : 18%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Mukul Dutt
Mukul Dutt
Department Role Name

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