
TMDB Rating 7.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 25, 1964

Rating: 1970-10-10

Run Time: 12h 06m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: DePatie-Freleng Enterprises




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Night has fallen, and the Pink Panther is looking for a place to sleep. A flop house denies him access, but he fortunately finds a key on the ground that gives him entry to a man's home, in which the Pink Panther helps himself to the man's shaving equipment, electric toothbrush, and bed. The man, a drunk, arrives home after one of his binges and, casting eyes on the pink feline in his bed, thinks he's having an alcoholic hallucination. He calls Alcoholics Anonymous to send someone to help him quit drinking. A man from A.A. throws all of the drunk's booze bottles into a garbage can, and they sit down to share a carton of milk. Then, both men see the Pink Panther walk past them! Befuddled, the two men rush to find the Department of Sanitation truck carrying the bottles of booze. After what they've seen, a drinking spree is in order!

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Friz Freleng
Friz Freleng
Hawley Pratt
Hawley Pratt
Writing Writer
John W. Dunn
John W. Dunn
Production Producer
David H. DePatie
David H. DePatie
Friz Freleng
Friz Freleng
Production Supervisor
Bill Orcutt
Bill Orcutt
Sound Music
William Lava
William Lava
Theme Song Performance
Henry Mancini
Henry Mancini
Editing Editor
Lee Gunther
Lee Gunther
Camera Camera Operator
John Burton Jr.
John Burton Jr.
Visual Effects Animation
Laverne Harding
Laverne Harding
Bob Matz
Bob Matz
Norm McCabe
Norm McCabe
Don Williams
Don Williams
Art Background Designer
Tom O'Loughlin
Tom O'Loughlin
Department Role Name

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