
TMDB Rating 7.3
IMDB Rating 7.4
RottenTomatoes Rating 60%


Revenue: $9,242,157

Budget: $0

Profit: + $9,242,157

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 20, 2017

Rating: 2017-12-20

Run Time: 2h 10m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: Belgium , France

Production Companies: Nexus Factory




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From his childhood in Poland to his adolescence in Nice to his years as a student in Paris and his tough training as a pilot during World War II, this tragi-comedy tells the romantic story of Romain Gary, one of the most famous French novelists and sole writer to have won the Goncourt Prize for French literature two times.

Main Cast

Pierre Niney

Pierre Niney

Romain Gary

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Nina Kacew

Age : N/A | Popularity : 91%

Didier Bourdon

Didier Bourdon

Alex Gubernatis

Age : N/A | Popularity : 62%

Jean-Pierre Darroussin

Jean-Pierre Darroussin


Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Finnegan Oldfield

Finnegan Oldfield

Captain Langer

Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%

Catherine McCormack

Catherine McCormack

Lesley Blanch

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Pawel Puchalski

Pawel Puchalski

Romain (8-10 years old)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Némo Schiffman

Némo Schiffman

Romain (14-16 years old)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Eric Barbier
Eric Barbier
Script Supervisor
Héloïse Moreau
Héloïse Moreau
Assistant Director
Giuseppe Barletta
Giuseppe Barletta
Writing Writer
Eric Barbier
Eric Barbier
Marie Eynard
Marie Eynard
Romain Gary
Romain Gary
Production Co-Producer
Gilles Waterkeyn
Gilles Waterkeyn
Adrian Politowski
Adrian Politowski
Nadia Khamlichi
Nadia Khamlichi
Sebastiàn Moradiellos
Sebastiàn Moradiellos
Eszter Izso
Eszter Izso
Mustapha Souaidi
Mustapha Souaidi
Gigi Akoka
Gigi Akoka
Mourad Barouche
Mourad Barouche
Location Manager
Geo Coretti
Geo Coretti
Antonin Morel
Antonin Morel
Böhm Marcell
Böhm Marcell
Rabii El Bakki
Rabii El Bakki
Eric Jehelmann
Eric Jehelmann
Philippe Rousselet
Philippe Rousselet
Jérôme Seydoux
Jérôme Seydoux
Production Manager
Emese Hunyadi
Emese Hunyadi
Jean-Jacques Albert
Jean-Jacques Albert
Unit Production Manager
Alessio Angelucci
Alessio Angelucci
Assistant Production Manager
Guglielmo D'Avanzo
Guglielmo D'Avanzo
Executive Producer
Péter Miskolczi
Péter Miskolczi
Production Coordinator
Anne-Charlotte Bradfer
Anne-Charlotte Bradfer
Art Set Decoration
Cécilia Blom
Cécilia Blom
Lieven Baes
Lieven Baes
Delphine De Casanove
Delphine De Casanove
Production Design
Pierre Renson
Pierre Renson
Location Scout
Tamás Császár
Tamás Császár
Vilmos Romvári
Vilmos Romvári
Art Direction
Renátó Cseh
Renátó Cseh
Costume & Make-Up Hair Supervisor
Jennifer Courouge
Jennifer Courouge
Makeup Artist
Veronica Beffa
Veronica Beffa
Fabienne Adam
Fabienne Adam
Panos Kondylis
Panos Kondylis
Key Makeup Artist
Laura Ozier
Laura Ozier
Key Costumer
Nathalie Leborgne
Nathalie Leborgne
Costume Supervisor
Nathalie Chesnais
Nathalie Chesnais
Makeup Supervisor
Panos Kondylis
Panos Kondylis
Key Hair Stylist
Charlotte Arguillère
Charlotte Arguillère
Joran Muratori
Joran Muratori
Crew Stunt Coordinator
Olivier Bisback
Olivier Bisback
Abdellah Oukseh
Abdellah Oukseh
Score Engineer
Ludovick Tartavel
Ludovick Tartavel
Post-Production Manager
Nicolas Baudens
Nicolas Baudens
Post Production Supervisor
Abraham Goldblat
Abraham Goldblat
Renaud Barbier
Renaud Barbier
Sound Music Supervisor
Verda Kakon
Verda Kakon
Editing Assistant Editor
Ronan Tronchot
Ronan Tronchot
Camera Director of Photography
Glynn Speeckaert
Glynn Speeckaert
Department Role Name

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