
TMDB Rating 10


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 10

Release Date: Apr 24, 2021

Rating: 2021-04-24

Run Time: 12h 46m

Original Language: English

Website: -

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Promises: Through Congress is a collaboration between Julie Mehretu, electronic music composer Floating Points aka Sam Shepherd, and filmmaker Trevor Tweeten. This 46-minute film features Mehretu’s expansive painting Congress (2003) and Promises (Luaka Bop, 2021), the acclaimed album from Floating Points and jazz titan Pharoah Sanders featuring the London Symphony Orchestra. Filmed on location at The Broad in Los Angeles.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Trevor Tweeten
Trevor Tweeten
Sound Musician
Pharoah Sanders
Pharoah Sanders
Music Arranger
Sam Shepherd
Sam Shepherd
Sound Engineer
Sean Cook
Sean Cook
Jeremy Murphy
Jeremy Murphy
London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra
Carmine Lauri
Carmine Lauri
Sally Herbert
Sally Herbert
Recording Supervision
John Prestage
John Prestage
Assistant Music Supervisor
Ashley Andrew-Jones
Ashley Andrew-Jones
Gianluca Massimo
Gianluca Massimo
Music Coordinator
Olli Cunningham
Olli Cunningham
Colin Rae
Colin Rae
Sound Mixer
Sam Shepherd
Sam Shepherd
Assistant Sound Editor
Tim Pennells
Tim Pennells
Production Producer
Julie Mehretu
Julie Mehretu
Eric Welles-Nystrom
Eric Welles-Nystrom
Executive Producer
Julie Mehretu
Julie Mehretu
Sam Shepherd
Sam Shepherd
Sarah Rentz
Sarah Rentz
Eric Welles-Nystrom
Eric Welles-Nystrom
Yale Evelev
Yale Evelev
Editing Editor
Trevor Tweeten
Trevor Tweeten
Crew Cinematography
Trevor Tweeten
Trevor Tweeten
Tacita Dean
Tacita Dean
Evan Low
Evan Low
Trevor Schoonmaker
Trevor Schoonmaker
Joanne Heyler
Joanne Heyler
Julie Rivera
Julie Rivera
Willie Kuo
Willie Kuo
Wes Hardesty
Wes Hardesty
Jennifer Gutowski
Jennifer Gutowski
Jeannine Guido
Jeannine Guido
Megan Heuer
Megan Heuer
Andrew Hawkes
Andrew Hawkes
Danielle Bias
Danielle Bias
Caroline Mckinley
Caroline Mckinley
Casey Betts
Casey Betts
Anne Byrd
Anne Byrd
Rujeko Hockley
Rujeko Hockley
Oresti Tsonopoulos
Oresti Tsonopoulos
Jonathan Sanden
Jonathan Sanden
Noah Therrien
Noah Therrien
Rachel Wolff
Rachel Wolff
Linda Pellegrini
Linda Pellegrini
Marian Goodman Gallery
Marian Goodman Gallery
Jess Plummer
Jess Plummer
Tom Deffee
Tom Deffee
Art Title Designer
Paul Diddy
Paul Diddy
David Hammons
David Hammons
Thomas Struth
Thomas Struth
David Wojnarowicz
David Wojnarowicz
Julie Mehretu
Julie Mehretu
Writing Writer
Sam Shepherd
Sam Shepherd
Department Role Name

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