Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Feb 11, 1950
Rating: 1950-02-11
Run Time: 1h 49m
Original Language: Malay
Website: Link
Production Countries: Malaysia
Production Companies:
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Jamal the son of Kamal a woodsman owner is married to Aminah. Their marriage is blessed even more with Mardiana their new born. But their happiness was short lived when Jamal started to mix around with Harun and his bad influenced friends. Harun is an insurance representative who also works for Aishah the stunning beauty. Jamal is attracted to Aishah so much that he starts to abandon his family. Jamal had to spend a lot of his money to accompany Aishah who is used to the lifestyle of a rich person. Will Jamal ever repent and come back to his originally family and be the father figure he has been all these while?
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
B. S. Rajhans
Writing | Writer |
AR Iyer
Dato' S. Roomai Noor
Camera | Director of Photography |
Chow Chan Kok
Department | Role | Name |