Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: II Polish Republic
Status: Released
Average Rating: 10
Release Date: Sep 21, 2019
Rating: 2019-09-21
Run Time: 12h 21m
Original Language: Polish
Website: Link
Production Countries: Poland
Production Companies: Fundacja Promocji Rozwoju
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A well-known publisher - Melchior Wańkowicz asks famous writer Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz to create a reportage about "success a la Polonaise". Tadeusz goes with his assistant Diana on a journey to do a series of interviews and meet historical, distinguished personalities. The initial antipathy between Tadeusz and Diana turns into friendship first, and then into... Who will the pair of our heroes meet? How will their relationship develop? What successes and achievements of the young Polish state will they learn about? We invite you to watch Niepospolita (The Unique)!
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Script Consultant |
Anna Bińkowska
Tomasz Dobosz
Marcin Magiera
Mariusz Laszuk
Szymon Gonera
Screenplay |
Danuta Nierada
Miłosz Lodowski
Art | Art Direction |
Alicja Antoszczyk
Assistant Director of Photography |
Łukasz Skwara
Piotr Kwiatkowski
Creative Director |
Danuta Nierada
Production Design |
Katarzyna Rup
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Coordinator |
Monika Ugrewicz
Makeup & Hair |
Anna Kołyga
Costume Designer |
Katarzyna Śródka
Filip Wakuła
Directing | Assistant Director |
Anna Bińkowska
Szymon Gonera
Director |
Tomasz Dobosz
Production | Producer |
Mariusz Laszuk
Post Producer |
Andrzej Kowalski
Monika Żerkowska
Production Manager |
Sylwia Idzkiewicz-Lichocka
Sound | Music |
Artur Słotwiński
Adam Baron
Camera | Camera Operator |
Adam Pietkiewicz
Marcin Magiera
Assistant Camera |
Piotr Kula
Robert Kuliński
Przemysław Twardecki
Camera Supervisor |
Marcin Magiera
Lighting | Master Lighting Artist |
Paweł Rosłon
Department | Role | Name |