Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Jul 20, 2022
Rating: 2022-07-20
Run Time: 1h 12m
Original Language: Ukrainian
Website: Link
Production Countries: Ukraine
Production Companies:
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Boy Andrii who together with a faithful friend - a boxer dog - goes on a unique journey through Bessarabia. According to the task of the grandfather-scientist, a young hero and a friend named Rei, it is necessary to find rare and endangered animals from the Red Book. In addition to photos of representatives of the fauna, they will discover new territories for themselves. The feature film was edited from five episodes of the documentary project of the same name. The project included five program series for young and middle school children.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Anastasia Mateshko
Writing | Screenplay |
Anastasia Mateshko
Production | Producer |
Svitlana Rudiuk
Line Producer |
Mykhailo Zhmud
Camera | Camera Operator |
Yegor Bondarenko
Volodymyr Kozeko
Editing | Editor |
Oleksandr Lehostaiev
Department | Role | Name |