Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: You have right to fight for your rights
Status: Released
Average Rating: 5
Release Date: Mar 18, 2004
Rating: 2004-03-18
Run Time: 1h 38m
Original Language: Estonian
Website: -
Production Countries: Estonia , Finland
Production Companies: Sigade Revolutsioon OÜ , Crea Video Oy
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"Revolution of Pigs" is an adventurous youth comedy, taking place in a Woodstock-like milieu. The main character is Tanel, a 15-year-old boy, who, taking part of a youth revolt against the system, finds himself and his love.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Jaak Kilmi
René Reinumägi
Script Supervisor |
Helen Valkna
Assistant Director |
Liina Prii
Raimo Pass
Heidi Laanemäe
First Assistant Director |
Katrin Kissa
Third Assistant Director |
Dagmar Raudam
Continuity |
Marje Tõemäe
Crew | Special Effects Coordinator |
Andrus Kõresaar
Special Effects |
Anton Vill
Carpenter |
Sten Trutin
Lauri Sepp
Lighting | Gaffer |
Kai Müller
Heiko Grund
Kai Möller
Writing | Writer |
René Reinumägi
Jaak Kilmi
Costume & Make-Up | Makeup Designer |
Irma Smitt
Makeup Artist |
Anu Konze
Roberta Erelt
Hairstylist |
Oskar Voit
Egle Nukke
Külli Klaas
Jane Ibrus
Margus Kurgvel
Evelin Hansberg
Costume Design |
Inessa Josing
Sound | Music |
Rein Rannap
Leslie Laasner
Sound Editor |
Harmo Kallaste
Boom Operator |
Indrek Ulst
Sound |
Ivo Felt
Sound Recordist |
Seppo Vanhatalo
Camera | Director of Photography |
Arko Okk
Still Photographer |
Vahur Puik
Assistant Camera |
Priit Pääsuke
Mart Taniel
Meelis Veeremets
Focus Puller |
Roland Adamson
Editing | Editor |
Lauri Laasik
Art | Production Design |
Inessa Josing
Iir Hermeliin
Assistant Art Director |
Jaana Jüris
Katrin Sipelgas
Kristiina Maimre
Property Master |
Jaana Jüris
Taavo Tiko
Set Decoration |
Asko Künnap
Külliki Falkenberg
Peeter Loit
Krista Norden
Production | Producer |
Kaido Veermäe
Anu Veermäe
Executive Producer |
Alvar Reinumägi
Visual Effects | 3D Animator |
Rait Siska
Ervin Makko
Department | Role | Name |