Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 4
Release Date: Oct 25, 2022
Rating: 2022-10-25
Run Time: 1h 04m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: Indonesia
Production Companies: Bioskop Online , im-a-gin-e
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Where to watch Rumah Kaliurang
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Five friends vacation plans turned into a disaster when trapped in a mysterious house in Kaliurang, which is located at the foot of Mount Merapi. The house that was supposed to be a place to stay was actually holding grudges and anger. Will they be able to return home safely? Brama, Kinan, Anom, Aji and Rani who decided to rest in a comfortable house on the way, realized that they were trapped in something terrible.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Dwi Sasono
Dondy Adrian
First Assistant Director |
Ithonk Firman
Second Assistant Director |
Ragiel Miftach
Script Supervisor |
M. Ali Syafa
Writing | Writer |
Husein M. Atmodjo
Dondy Adrian Senjaya
Screenplay |
Husein M. Atmodjo
Production | Producer |
Aufa Rachmat Triangga Ariaputra
Ikhsan Mohammad
Casting Director |
Calvin Moniaga
Associate Producer |
Mario Trisdiarto
Michel Khatwani
Executive Producer |
Chetan A. Samtani
Nisha A. Samtani
Deepak Chugani
Dilip Chugani
Sanjeev Bhalla
Line Producer |
Ariel Raditya Iman
Casting Assistant |
Nusa Kalimasada
Post Production Coordinator |
Luqman Thalib
Art | Art Direction |
Zaki Oramahi
Set Dresser |
Ramdanis Danzenk
Property Master |
Adrian Imadudding
Property Buyer |
Jason Donovan
Camera | Director of Photography |
Akhmad Khomaini
First Assistant Camera |
Dipo Brooklyn
Focus Puller |
Still Photographer |
Rizky Hary Kesuma
Sound | Sound Designer |
Arif Budi Santoso
Caroline Chrislie
Acho Jibrani
Music Director |
Assistant Sound Designer |
Michael Fabian
David Tandayu
Boom Operator |
Santo Widodo
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Designer |
Fadillah Putri Yunidar
Assistant Costume Designer |
Salsabila Aletha
Makeup Artist |
Susanti Tedja
Putri Mariana
Editing | Editor |
Indra W. Kurnia
Dody Chandra
Assistant Editor |
Ayyuub Wicaksono
Online Editor |
Qodri Alamsyah
Visual Effects | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Harris Reggy
Digital Compositor |
Erika Krisanti
Richard Reinfriend Dotulong
Willy Tomyko
Sella Monica
Anita Fernanda
Bagus Aji Wicakso
Jonnathan Derrick
Mohamad Iqbal
Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi
Michael Hendryanto
Princess Slyny Audrey
Maria Fransiska
Harry Ardi Syahputra
Lighting | Rigging Gaffer |
Ahmad Sanjaya
Gaffer |
Zaki Fatih Alfarizi
Department | Role | Name |