
TMDB Rating 10


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 10

Release Date: Jan 1, 2005

Rating: 2005-01-01

Run Time: 12h 54m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: France

Production Companies: Sunset Presse



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Documents a 40-year relationship between Saddam Hussein and the U.S., through accounts given by those who were witness to and participants in those years of violence. It is about a man and a superpower who used each other, in a marriage of convenience between strange bed-fellows. Includes selected archival footage of Saddam's beginnings, filmed to immortalise his exploits, at 20 years of age, in 1959. Includes also images from the film, Saddam Hussein, le maître de Baghdad, directed by Michel Vuillermet (Zarafa Films)

Main Cast

Fraser Macnaught

Fraser Macnaught


Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Pascal Vasselin
Pascal Vasselin
Production Researcher
Edwige Laforêt
Edwige Laforêt
Arnaud Hamelin
Arnaud Hamelin
Sound Original Music Composer
Christophe Henrotte
Christophe Henrotte
Editing Editor
Chantal le Baron
Chantal le Baron
Writing Writer
Jacques Charmelot
Jacques Charmelot
Department Role Name

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