

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Apr 28, 2018

Rating: 2018-04-28

Run Time: 1h 21m

Original Language: Chinese

Website: -

Production Countries: Taiwan

Production Companies: Homegreen Films




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In 2018, Tsai Ming-Liang was invited by the Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Administration to make this film, his eighth in the "Walker" series. In the constant passage of time, the Zen-like footsteps of the Walker has finally allowed us to see the Pacific Ocean, the open sky, the seagulls, the black sand, an eel catching settlement that arose in the cold winter rain, the twisting branches of the lintou trees, flotsam piled up like mountains, and a newly constructed cement house, which seems to offer a temporary place of rest for the Walker. "Sand" premiered together with the opening of the Zhuangwei Dune Visitor Center.

Main Cast

Lee Kang-sheng

Lee Kang-sheng


Age : N/A | Popularity : 40%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Tsai Ming-liang
Tsai Ming-liang
Editing Editor
Chang Jhong-yuan
Chang Jhong-yuan
Sound Sound Designer
Tsao Yuan-Feng
Tsao Yuan-Feng
Camera Director of Photography
Ian Ku
Ian Ku
Writing Screenplay
Tsai Ming-liang
Tsai Ming-liang
Production Producer
Claude Wang
Claude Wang
Department Role Name

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