Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Sep 7, 2010
Rating: 2010-09-07
Run Time: 2h 03m
Original Language: langcode.id
Website: -
Production Countries: Indonesia
Production Companies: MVP Pictures
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Returning from Mecca, Darwis changes his name to Ahmad Dahlan as he is disturbed by the trend of Islamic laws in his society; that borders on heresy, Syrik (polytheism), and Bid’ah (wrong innovation). Using a compass, he proves that the direction of Qibla (that points to Mecca), in the Great Mosque of Kauman is wrong. The discovery angers every Kyai (Islamic experts), especially the head of the Great Mosque of Kauman, Kyai Penghulu Cholil Kamaludiningrat. Dahlan, who studied in Mecca for five years, is seen as a rebel upstart. Since the proposal of changing the direction of Qibla is rejected, Dahlan starts a movement calling for the change. On his first sermon as a preacher, Dahlan criticizes the habits of residents in his village in Yogyakarta: "In a prayer, only a sincere and patient heart is needed, it requires no Kyais, money, let alone offerings". As a result, Dahlan gets a hostile reception.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Hanung Bramantyo
First Assistant Director |
Indra Gunawan
Second Assistant Director |
Hestu Saputra
Third Assistant Director |
Ichsan Zulkarnain
Script Supervisor |
Pritagita Arianegara
Writing | Writer |
Hanung Bramantyo
Production | Producer |
Raam Punjabi
Executive Producer |
Gobind Punjabi
Wicky V. Olindo
Hanung Bramantyo
Supervising Producer |
Hartawan Triguna
Hasrafli Syarif
Adrian Utama
Head of Research |
Sugeng Wahyudi
Line Producer |
Talita Amilia
Fajar Nugros
Post Production Coordinator |
Andi A. Manoppo
Production Secretary |
Carolina Minalia
Production Runner |
Taufiq Hidayat
Yusmita Akhirul Latif
Heru Jogja
Location Manager |
Daim Pohan
Agung R Kanvas
Casting Coordinator |
Evie Londah
Casting Director |
Zaskia Adya Mecca
Camera | Director of Photography |
Faozan Rizal
Clapper Loader |
Helmy Hernandez
Assistant Camera |
Camera Loader |
Batara Goempar
Still Photographer |
Syamsul Hadi
Art | Art Direction |
Allan Sebastian
Creative Director |
Raakhee Punjabi
Assistant Art Director |
Yusuf Kaisuku
Property Master |
Hastagus Ekayana
Assistant Property Master |
Edy Wibowo
Gharets Uno
Dedi Buaya
Johan Susilo
Art Department Assistant |
Yosi Mega
Cecep Ruswandi
Hari Pramono Ussu
Ambar Pranasmara
Aceng Raya
Dodi Giant
Runner Art Department |
Gogot Videlis
Construction Foreman |
Ayi Ukar
Asep Edih
Iden Deni
Oki Permana
Dedi Ndut
Graphic Designer |
Ken Manwani
Storyboard Artist |
Agus Sunarko
Herdy Susanto
Editing | Editor |
Wawan I. Wibowo
Assistant Editor |
Budi Kurniawan
Sound | Sound Designer |
Satrio Budiono
Music Director |
Tya Subiakto Satrio
Dialogue Editor |
ADR Editor |
Armanda Ahmad
ADR Recordist |
Armanda Ahmad
Sound Effects Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Designer |
Retno Ratih Damayanti
Makeup Artist |
Jerry Octavianus
Crew | Assistant Script |
So Acho
Azzizah Imam
Gerry Romano
Additional Script Supervisor |
Erik Dana Gunawan
Post Production Assistant |
Wahyu Way
Wulan Ariesta Pringgandani
Special Effects |
Billy Ardiansyah
Demmy Dewantara
Mahyudin Sampoerno
Hari Abrianto
Lighting | Gaffer |
Tarmizi Abka
Chief Lighting Technician |
Imbon Agus
Visual Effects | VFX Artist |
AP. Widagdo
Mukhlis Asrori
Rendy Fadjri
Lutfi Bahtiar
Danang Kurniadi
Mufti Ichrom
Affan Yanuar
Modeling |
Barep Teguh Wicaksono
Sakti Wikantara
Department | Role | Name |