
TMDB Rating 5.1


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Apr 1, 1966

Rating: 1966-04-01

Run Time: 1h 18m

Original Language: Czech

Website: -

Production Countries: Czechoslovakia

Production Companies: Filmové studio Barrandov




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Michal's father and his friends are stigmatized by their war experience and the post-war social deformations in which they took part either directly, or watched them cowardly and in silence. They are trying to repress their feelings of guilt and justify their behavior to the young generation with memories of their heroic war feats. Michal, however, does not want to have anything to do with their problems. He subconsciously perceives the unpleasant atmosphere in the family as well as his father's hypocrisy. After one of many quarrels with his father, he runs away from home, determined to go his own way.

Main Cast

Jaromír Hanzlík

Jaromír Hanzlík

Michal Hrabák

Age : 77 | Popularity : 25%

Jiří Pleskot

Jiří Pleskot

Dr. Jirí Hrabák

Age : 75 | Popularity : 15%

Jiřina Jirásková

Jiřina Jirásková

Helena Hrabáková

Age : 81 | Popularity : 17%

Vladimír Šmeral

Vladimír Šmeral

Age : 78 | Popularity : 19%

Alexandra Myšková

Alexandra Myšková

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Jana Brejchová

Jana Brejchová

Age : 85 | Popularity : 70%

Jiří Holý

Jiří Holý

Age : 86 | Popularity : 24%

Miroslav Macháček

Miroslav Macháček

Age : 68 | Popularity : 20%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Jan Čuřík
Jan Čuřík
Antonín Máša
Antonín Máša
First Assistant Director
Miloš Kohout
Miloš Kohout
Assistant Director
Anna Lackovičová
Anna Lackovičová
Zdenka Pešulová
Zdenka Pešulová
Writing Screenplay
Antonín Máša
Antonín Máša
Antonín Máša
Antonín Máša
Creative Producer
Bedřich Kubala
Bedřich Kubala
Crew Dramaturgy
Sergej Machonin
Sergej Machonin
Camera Director of Photography
Jan Čuřík
Jan Čuřík
Ivan Šlapeta
Ivan Šlapeta
Camera Operator
Oldřich Hubáček
Oldřich Hubáček
Ivan Šlapeta
Ivan Šlapeta
Assistant Camera
Jiří Polák
Jiří Polák
Art Production Design
Jan Oliva
Jan Oliva
Art Direction
Věra Vainarová
Věra Vainarová
Set Decoration
Karel Kracík
Karel Kracík
Roman Svoboda
Roman Svoboda
Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Luboš Hrůza
Luboš Hrůza
Magdalena Lautnerová
Magdalena Lautnerová
Věra Maierová
Věra Maierová
Makeup & Hair
Jiří Šimon
Jiří Šimon
Libuše Beranová
Libuše Beranová
Editing Editor
Miroslav Hájek
Miroslav Hájek
Jaromír Janáček
Jaromír Janáček
Sound Sound
Jiří Kejř
Jiří Kejř
Original Music Composer
Jan Klusák
Jan Klusák
František Belfín
František Belfín
Production Production Manager
Jiří Krejčí
Jiří Krejčí
Unit Production Manager
Josef Mojžíš
Josef Mojžíš
Vlasta Kolbasová
Vlasta Kolbasová
Assistant Production Manager
Milada Krůtová
Milada Krůtová
Executive Producer
Ladislav Novotný
Ladislav Novotný
Department Role Name

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