
TMDB Rating 2.6
IMDB Rating 4.1


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 3

Release Date: Mar 5, 2011

Rating: 2011-03-05

Run Time: 1h 27m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Canada

Production Companies: Daro Film Distribution




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Brad Sterling arrives by yacht as a handsome dream prince, and the discrete favorite nephew and brilliant investor of his tycoon uncle Wade. Charles Colton's ingrate heiress Laura eagerly dates him and puts him in the guest-house, partially as spiteful as alliterative to workaholic tycoon pa's preferred son-in-law Jonathan Lawson, son of tycoon Richard. People who warn fickle Laura get irate reactions, best friend Ava even dies in a suspicious hit and run, yet Laura also turns on either suitor in turn, oblivious to serious indications of manipulation.

Main Cast

Josie Davis

Josie Davis

Laura Colton

Age : 52 | Popularity : 72%

Marc Menard

Marc Menard

Brad Sterling

Age : N/A | Popularity : 23%

Lochlyn Munro

Lochlyn Munro

Jonathan Lawson

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Bruce Dawson

Bruce Dawson

George Colton

Age : N/A | Popularity : 63%

Gerard Plunkett

Gerard Plunkett


Age : N/A | Popularity : 65%

Chelan Simmons

Chelan Simmons


Age : 42 | Popularity : 70%

Sarah Edmondson

Sarah Edmondson


Age : 47 | Popularity : 23%

Johannah Newmarch

Johannah Newmarch

Catherine Colton

Age : N/A | Popularity : 40%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
George Erschbamer
George Erschbamer
Writing Writer
Peter Sullivan
Peter Sullivan
Jodi Ticknor
Jodi Ticknor
Production Producer
Wendy McKernan
Wendy McKernan
Location Manager
David S. Fullerton
David S. Fullerton
Production Coordinator
Cathy Fullerton
Cathy Fullerton
Sound Original Music Composer
Paul Michael Thomas
Paul Michael Thomas
ADR & Dubbing
Stephen Cheung
Stephen Cheung
Boom Operator
Tysen Schieber
Tysen Schieber
Camera Director of Photography
Cliff Hokanson
Cliff Hokanson
Steadicam Operator
Bob Findlay
Bob Findlay
Editing Editor
Asim Nuraney
Asim Nuraney
Art Production Design
James Purvis
James Purvis
Art Direction
Angelina Young
Angelina Young
Set Decoration
Doug Teather
Doug Teather
Crew Stunt Coordinator
Brett Chan
Brett Chan
Lighting Lighting Technician
Milton Loo
Milton Loo
Gary Stamford
Gary Stamford
Department Role Name

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