
TMDB Rating 7.2
IMDB Rating 8.1


Revenue: $1,753

Budget: $0

Profit: + $1,753

Movie Details

Tag Line: The history of Russia from the beginning of the century till early 80s.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Nov 28, 1979

Rating: 1979-11-28

Run Time: 4h 35m

Original Language: Russian

Website: -

Production Countries: Soviet Union

Production Companies: Tretye Tvorcheskoe Obyedinenie , Mosfilm , Studio Trite




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The story about a very small god-forgotten village in Siberia reflects the history of Russia from the beginning of the century till the early 1980s. Three generations try to find the land of happiness and to give it to the people. One builds the road through taiga to the star over horizon, the second 'build communism' and the third searches for oil.

Main Cast

Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita Mikhalkov

Aleksei Ustyuzhanin

Age : 79 | Popularity : 77%

Vitali Solomin

Vitali Solomin

Nikolai Ustyuzhanin

Age : N/A | Popularity : 22%

Sergey Shakurov

Sergey Shakurov

Spiridon Solomin

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Natalya Andreychenko

Natalya Andreychenko

Anastasia Solomina

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Gurchenko

Older Taya Solomina

Age : 75 | Popularity : 21%

Vladimir Samoylov

Vladimir Samoylov

Afanasi Ustyuzhanin

Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Mikhail Kononov

Mikhail Kononov

Rodion Klimentov

Age : N/A | Popularity : 38%

Nikolai Skorobogatov

Nikolai Skorobogatov


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Andrei Konchalovsky
Andrei Konchalovsky
Writing Writer
Valentin Ezhov
Valentin Ezhov
Andrei Konchalovsky
Andrei Konchalovsky
Art Production Design
Nikolay Dvigubskiy
Nikolay Dvigubskiy
Aleksandr Adabashyan
Aleksandr Adabashyan
Camera Director of Photography
Levan Paatashvili
Levan Paatashvili
Boris Travkin
Boris Travkin
Production Producer
Erik Vaysberg
Erik Vaysberg
Nikita Mikhalkov
Nikita Mikhalkov
Leonid Vereshchagin
Leonid Vereshchagin
Sound Music
Eduard Artemyev
Eduard Artemyev
Editing Editor
Artavazd Peleshian
Artavazd Peleshian
Valentina Kulagina
Valentina Kulagina
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Natalya Lichmanova
Natalya Lichmanova
Makeup Artist
Tamara Gaidukova
Tamara Gaidukova
Crew Stunts
Aleksandr Sokolov
Aleksandr Sokolov
Department Role Name

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