Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: The version children love!
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Dec 19, 1995
Rating: 1995-12-19
Run Time: 12h 48m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: Japan , United States of America
Production Companies: Jetlag Productions , GoodTimes Entertainment
People Rated This
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Sound | Original Music Composer |
Andrew Dimitroff
Music |
Andrew Dimitroff
ADR Supervisor |
Gary Coppola
Roger Monk
Sound Designer |
Marcel Duperreault
Alan Porzio
Songs |
Nicolas 'Nick' Carr
Musician |
Ray Crossley
Milcho Leviev
Mel Steinberg
Leslie Woodbury
Andrew Dimitroff
Vocals |
Wendy Hamilton-Cadde
Directing | Director |
Toshiyuki Hiruma
Takashi Masunaga
Writing | Novel |
Charles Perrault
Writer |
Lawrence H. Hartstein
Storyboard |
Myrna Bushman
Drew Edwards
Rebecca Greenwood
Lyricist |
Joellyn Cooperman
Production | Associate Producer |
Jennifer Blohm
Gayle Franco
Producer |
Mark Taylor
Executive Producer |
Joe Cayre
Ken Cayre
Stan Cayre
Casting |
Michael Donovan
Production Director |
Shigeo Koshi
Masanori Miura
Production Assistant |
Jharna Mitra
Editing | Editor |
Bruce W. Cathcart
Art | Art Direction |
Kazumi Sawaguchi
Toshiyuki Hiruma
Storyboard Artist |
Gerry Capelle
Graham Falk
Eric Fredrickson
Jeff Hall
Jill Halliday
Neil Hunter
Scott Jorgenson
Brian Kindregan
Kenji Kodama
Sonja Kodric
Shirl Kwan
Ken Mundie
Seiji Okuda
Hilary Phillips
Dev Ramsaran
Bill Reed
Paul Schibli
Marc Sevier
Craig Wilson
Steve Garcia
Prop Designer |
Gloria Jenkins
Todd Sullivan
Troy Sullivan
Shinichi Suzuki
Kazuhiko Utagawa
Background Designer |
Jean-Luc Abiven
Kazuhiro Arai
Peter Bielicki
Crew | Post-Production Manager |
A.J. Ullman
Visual Effects | Character Designer |
Jean-Luc Abiven
Layout Supervisor |
Shingo Araki
Department | Role | Name |
Where to watch Sleeping Beauty
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