

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jan 1, 2004

Rating: 2004-01-01

Run Time: 12h 00m

Original Language: Turkish

Website: -

Production Countries: Turkey

Production Companies: BKM




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The bus driver who has been working on the same line for years has retired. Therefore, the people of the district will meet with Lütfü, a new driver. Lütfü who tries to get used to the district is in a contention with Sadenaz, who grows on the end of the bus every morning. Although the bus's departure time has already passed, this sympathetic girl runs on the bus like a storm, before Lütfü's annoyance. However, in the course of time, a friendship between Sadenaz and Lütfü is formed. Lütfü does not move every morning before Sadenaz arrives. One day, grace runs the timepiece to measure the speed of the Sadenaz. The speed of the Sadenaz corresponds to a speed that national athletes can run. The idea of ​​being a runner for Sadenaz who loves running is interesting. Because it is possible to draw the attention of Berk in this way.

Main Cast

Altan Erkekli

Altan Erkekli


Age : 69 | Popularity : 23%

Tuba Ünsal

Tuba Ünsal


Age : N/A | Popularity : 78%

Tolga Çevik

Tolga Çevik

Age : 50 | Popularity : 28%

Ayberk Atilla

Ayberk Atilla


Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Levent Tülek

Levent Tülek


Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Hikmet Karagöz

Hikmet Karagöz


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Ali Sirmen

Ali Sirmen

Otobüs Şefi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Ezgi Mola

Ezgi Mola


Age : 41 | Popularity : 27%


Department Role Name
Writing Writer
Egemen Ertürk
Egemen Ertürk
Directing Director
Aydın Bulut
Aydın Bulut
Production Producer
Necati Akpınar
Necati Akpınar
Department Role Name

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