Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: One of the most beautiful manifestations of romantic influences and style features.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Dec 17, 1958
Rating: 1958-12-17
Run Time: 1h 34m
Original Language: Hungarian
Website: -
Production Countries: Czechoslovakia , Hungary
Production Companies: Hunnia Filmstúdió , Štúdio hraných filmov Bratislava
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Where to watch St. Peter's Umbrella
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A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
Main Cast
Samuel Adamčík
Age : 79 | Popularity : 11%
Jela Lukešová
Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%
Nora Marákyová
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Ľubomír Roman
Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Screenplay |
Imre Apáthi
Frigyes Bán
Novel |
Kálmán Mikszáth
Directing | Director |
Frigyes Bán
Co-Director |
Vladislav Pavlovič
Assistant Director |
József Konrád
Štefan Briestenský
Dezső Koza
Art | Production Design |
Anton Krajčovič
Property Master |
Jozef Suchý
Mária Sáfár
Props |
Pavol Zvozil
Štefan Glasa
Assistant Production Design |
Iván Ambrózy
Costume & Make-Up | Costumer |
Žofia Králová
Zsazsa Lázár
Makeup Artist |
György Ivanicza
Michal Jurkovič
Camera | Director of Photography |
György Illés
Camera Operator |
Tibor Vagyóczky
Jozef Ružička
Clapper Loader |
Margita Cádrová
Still Photographer |
János Oláh
Sound | Sound |
Gyula Rónay
Rudolf Pavlíček
Conductor |
Ottó Vincze
Original Music Composer |
Šimon Jurovský
Production | Production Manager |
Ottó Föld
Vladimír Zimmer
Accountant |
Margita Krónesová
Katarína Rövidová
Line Producer |
Lajos Gulyás
Gejza Maráky
Production Assistant |
Ján Mikláš
István Kardos
Crew | Script |
Mária Asztalos
Graciana Vajcíková
Special Effects |
György Velezdi
Editing | Assistant Editor |
Erzsébet Elek
Editor |
Alfréd Benčič
Zoltán Kerényi
Lighting | Gaffer |
Vojtech Mikóczi
László Kocsenda
Department | Role | Name |