
TMDB Rating 7


Revenue: $0

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Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Jul 8, 2017

Rating: 2017-07-08

Run Time: 12h 58m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies:



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Stanya Kahn’s Stand in the Stream is a fast-paced digital film about life, death, and the inextricability of the personal from the political. Made over six years and shot on multiple camera formats, it captures candid moments in online chat rooms, in the home, in the wild, and in the streets, following the arc of a mother’s deterioration and death amidst shifting political and digital landscapes. From the birth of a child to the onset of dementia, from Tahrir Square to Standing Rock and Trump’s inauguration, Stand in the Stream is a pulsing and urgent contemporary ode and a call to action.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Stanya Kahn
Stanya Kahn
Department Role Name

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