Revenue: $0
Budget: $320,000
Profit: - $-320,000
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: May 15, 2007
Rating: 2009-04-21
Run Time: 1h 32m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: Austria , United States of America
Production Companies: Poppy Pictures
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Stealing Klimt recounts the struggle by 90-year-old Maria Altmann to recover five Gustav Klimt paintings stolen from her family by the Nazis in Vienna. From the end of the War up until last year, these paintings hung in the Austrian National Gallery. The film covers Maria's early life in glittering fin-de-siècle Vienna, her dramatic escape from Nazi terror and her courageous fight to recover the five Klimt's against all the odds. Maria's fight to reclaim the paintings eventually took her to the United States Supreme Court and pitted her not just against Austria but also against the US Government which asked the Supreme Court to reject her case. After Maria finally emerged victorious in 2006, one of the paintings - the "Golden Portrait" of Maria's aunt, Adele Bloch Bauer - was sold to cosmetics tycoon Ronald Lauder for $135m, becoming the world's most expensive painting ever sold. The other four paintings were recently auctioned at Christie's for record prices.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Executive Producer |
Gilonne D'Origny
Martin Smith
Tim Schwarzmaier
Roger Graef
Line Producer |
Jane Bevan
Production Manager |
Judy Parkinson
Production Coordinator |
Michelle Galvin
Sound | Music |
Chris Elliott
Sound |
Niklas Tesch
Joseph Keppler
Bob Schuck
Hunter Moore
Roger Pietschmann
Directing | Director |
Jane Chablani
Editing | Editor |
Shelagh Brady
Paul Dosaj
Writing | Writer |
Martin Smith
Crew | Thanks |
Hubertus Czernin
Transportation Coordinator |
Walter Ludwig
Camera | Director of Photography |
Bernhard Hoefer
Simon Fanthorpe
Ulli Bonnekamp
Department | Role | Name |