
TMDB Rating 3


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 3

Release Date: Jan 8, 1993

Rating: 1993-01-08

Run Time: 1h 29m

Original Language: Norwegian

Website: -

Production Countries: Norway

Production Companies: Oslo-Film AS




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Knut Erik Jensen's personal visual poem, an Elegy for a culture that no longer exists. Stella Polaris is a personal document in fiction form of a bygone era and culture in the northernmost part of Norway. At the same time described the current Finnmark in the scene from our own time. The story is narrated by a woman's eyes, both as children in the busy fishing village and as an adult in the present. She returns to the birthplace and remember how life was before the fishing village was closed. Love story between her and her childhood friend is central to the action. 'Stella Polaris' is in the form of associative told with an unconventional dramaturgy.

Main Cast

Anne Krigsvoll

Anne Krigsvoll

The Woman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Ketil Høegh

Ketil Høegh

The Man

Age : N/A | Popularity : 2%

Eirin Hargaut

Eirin Hargaut

The Girl

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Vegard Jensen

Vegard Jensen

The Boy

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Thom Bastholm

Thom Bastholm

The Salesman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Øystein Mathiesen

Øystein Mathiesen

German Sergeant

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Ole Lindseth

Ole Lindseth


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Knut Erik Jensen
Knut Erik Jensen
Assistant Director
Mai Tove Hansen
Mai Tove Hansen
First Assistant Director
Tom Gulbrandsen
Tom Gulbrandsen
Costume & Make-Up Costume Supervisor
Benthe Winther-Larsen
Benthe Winther-Larsen
Costume Designer
Torkil Ranum
Torkil Ranum
Makeup Artist
Jennifer Jorfald
Jennifer Jorfald
Production Location Manager
Jan-Erik Gammleng
Jan-Erik Gammleng
Production Assistant
Marianne Ulriksen
Marianne Ulriksen
Egil Ødegård
Egil Ødegård
Production Secretary
Christin Berg
Christin Berg
Head of Production
Bent Rognlien
Bent Rognlien
Camera Grip
Kjetil Hervik
Kjetil Hervik
Knut Haraldsen
Knut Haraldsen
Second Unit Director of Photography
Peter Mokrosinski
Peter Mokrosinski
Assistant Camera
Pål Bugge Haagenrud
Pål Bugge Haagenrud
John Arvid Berger
John Arvid Berger
Hans Erik Lindbom
Hans Erik Lindbom
Assistant Grip
Steffan Hausken
Steffan Hausken
Director of Photography
Svein Krøvel
Svein Krøvel
Crew Special Effects
Natasha Nikitina
Natasha Nikitina
Morten Skallerud
Morten Skallerud
Rita Lyder
Rita Lyder
Geir Alvin Jensen
Geir Alvin Jensen
Merete Lindstad
Merete Lindstad
Knut K. Pedersen
Knut K. Pedersen
Editing Negative Cutter
Ann-Karin Aasgård
Ann-Karin Aasgård
Assistant Editor
Åse Vikanes
Åse Vikanes
Trygve Hagen
Trygve Hagen
Writing Writer
Knut Erik Jensen
Knut Erik Jensen
Creative Producer
René Bjerke
René Bjerke
Sound Sound
Sturla Einarson
Sturla Einarson
Original Music Composer
Arne Nordheim
Arne Nordheim
Sound Recordist
Trond K. Holst
Trond K. Holst
Lighting Lighting Supervisor
Knut Haraldsen
Knut Haraldsen
Kjetil Hervik
Kjetil Hervik
Art Decorator
Egil Storeide
Egil Storeide
Ole-Morten Lien
Ole-Morten Lien
Department Role Name

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