Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
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Movie Details
Tag Line: Steven Wilson Live at The Wiltern
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Jun 13, 2015
Rating: 2015-06-13
Run Time: 2h 13m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries:
Production Companies:
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The English progressive rocker embarks on his 2015 "Hand Cannot Erase" Tour,which hits The Wiltern in Los Angeles , CA , showing for one date only on 13 Jun 2015! . The English progressive rocker continues on his 2015 "Hand Cannot Erase" Tour, following the release of his album of the same name in February that year. Largely known throughout rock and metal circles, Wilson has seen four Grammy Awards; two with Porcupine Tree, one with his collaborative band Storm Corrosion and the fourth as a soloist. As well as co-founding the band Porcupine Tree, acting as its lead guitarist, singer and songwriter, Wilson has also been a member of several other bands in addition to his successful solo act. Notably he has also collaborated with other rock artists including Opeth, King Crimson, Pendulum, Anathema and Jethro Tull.