Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Feb 23, 2022
Rating: 2022-09-14
Run Time: 12h 30m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies: Smartypants
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A U.S. Marine plots a terrorist attack on a small-town American mosque, but his plan takes an unexpected turn when he comes face to face with the people he sets out to kill.
Main Cast
Bibi Bahrami
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Dr. Saber Bahrami
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Zaki Bahrami
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Captain Kent Kurtz
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Dana McKinney
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Emily McKinney
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Richard "Mac" McKinney
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Jomo Williams
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Joshua Seftel
Production | Executive Producer |
Mohannad Malas
John W. Kiser
Rev. Dr. Conrad Fisher, MD
Lena Khan
Anna Bick Rowe
Jeremy Mack
Eric Nichols
Malala Yousafzai
Producer |
Suzanne Hillinger
Conall Jones
Joshua Seftel
Co-Producer |
Jody Snider
Consulting Producer |
Salam Al-Marayati
Mona Damluji
Sue Obeidi
Associate Producer |
Laura Thomas
Avi Bond
Production Assistant |
Sophie Glassman
Joseph Ermey
Production Manager |
Marki Yaccino
Editing | Editor |
Jeremy Medoff
Additional Editing |
Eric Metzgar
Assistant Editor |
Steve Benjamin
Nick Cancelliere
Colorist |
Kath Raisch
Camera | Director of Photography |
Karl Schroder
Assistant Camera |
Kevin Esnault
Brandon Ahern
Carter Hoffman
Grip |
Carter Hoffman
Sound | Sound Mixer |
Zack Thorpe
Sound Designer |
Bobb Barito
Crew | Legal Services |
Chris Perez
Alexa DeSantis
Thanks |
Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art
Muslim Public Affairs Council, Hollywood Bureau
El Hibri Foundation
United Talent Agency
Shakeeb Alam
Wajahat Ali
Saja Al Naqshabandi
Julie Anderson
Jason Anthony
Judd Apatow
Linda Artola
Perry Ascher
Reza Aslan
Maryam Banikarim
Susie Banikarim
Kevin Barker
Amir Bar-Lev
Opal Bennett
Albert Berger
Jessica Bhuiyan
Rais Bhuiyan
Dan Bromfield
Jill Burkhart
Liza Cardinale
Patrick Cates
Meryl Chertoff
Marshall Curry
Ken Dornstein
Warren Etheredge
Erika Frankel
Christopher Fisher
Kory Gipson
Claudette Godfrey
Jessica Goldstein
Amy Goodman Kass
Ellen Goosenberg
Howard Gordon
Teddy Grennan
Roberta Grossman
Anya Grundmann
Jamie Gustis
Ilene Gutman
David Hamlin
Robert Harris
Chris Hastings
Leland Haushalter
David Herbert
David Holbrooke
Dara Horenblas
Rich Hyman
Islamic Center of Muncie
Averi Israel
Kirsten Johnson
Jane Julian
Lena Khan
Meena Khan
Mubasher Khan
Nagina Khan
Reema Khan
Yasmen Khan
Tom Kitt
David Klawans
Warren Kraemer
David Kramer
Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum
Dana J. Kuznetzkoff
Leila Lak
Judy Laster
Farhan Latif
Ellie Lee
Elizabeth Lesser
Jon Levin
Jonathan Lown
Rebecca Lown
Donna Lucas
Steve Maing
Darby Maloney
Leah Marino
David McFarland
Cara Mertes
David Metzler
Tom Miller
Rand Morrison
Trey Nelson
Sue Obeidi
Cathleen O’Connell
Billy Offer
Catherine Orsborn
Hiroki Otsuka
Deverell Pedersen
Richard Pena
Maurie Perl
Plank Brothers Project
Zeyba Rahman
Abby Raphel
Hussein Rashid
Vicki Ritterband
Sonia Rodrigues
Adam Roffman
Rena Ronson
Blake Ross
Rich Ross
Rahul Rotagi
Grace Royer
Julie Salamon
Maral Satari
Garret Savage
Laura Seftel
Lillian Seftel
Madeline Seftel
Pat Seftel
Suzanne Seftel Glassman
Adam Segal
Kashif Sheikh
Amanda Shipley
Dia Sokol
Greg Sorvig
Craig Smith
Stephanie Stewart
Shayna Rose Triebwasser
Marc Vives
Eric Ward
Michael Wertheim
David Wilson
Soo-Jeong Kang
Kathleen Lingo
Josh Church
Rob Ulin
Simon Kilmurry
Melissa Fajardo
Devon Blackwell
Department | Role | Name |