Revenue: $0
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Movie Details
Tag Line: Jodi Quinn remembers the future.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Jan 15, 2009
Rating: 2009-01-15
Run Time: 12h 30m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
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Thanks to a drug she took when she was seventeen, moments from various points in Jodi's life become intertwined, effectively letting her experience two moments at once. Stream snaps back and forth through three phases of Jodi's life: her past as an intelligent but headstrong teen; her present in a psychiatric facility, and her future as an adult clinging to a normal life after years of tribulation. The story unfolds in and around New York City, as we travel with Jodi from the wealthy suburban home of her youth to the nebulous world of an institution, and the unforgiving streets of the South Bronx.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
David Jakubovic
Writing | Writer |
Mitchel Reichgut
Department | Role | Name |