
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: May 22, 1981

Rating: 1981-05-22

Run Time: 1h 25m

Original Language: Czech

Website: -

Production Countries: Czechoslovakia

Production Companies: Filmové studio Barrandov




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In the final days of the Second World War in 1945 Frantisek Pribyl is killed during a shoot-out with the Germans. After the funeral, the widow (Jana Svandová) and her two young sons Martin and Ondra move to her deceased husband's native village at the foot of the Kralický Snezník mountains. Life in the borderlands is far from easy for the lonely woman. The village is almost deserted, food supplies are delayed; the Werwolf (Nazi guerrilla squads) are hiding in the mountains, and shooting is heard from time to time. The elder son Ondra (Michal Dlouhý) is helping out his mother and at the same time absorbing intense new experiences. He meets an old Czech resident Skurek (Lubomír Kostelka), German women working in the forest, soldiers from the engineering units removing the mines, and a young first lieutenant. At night he dreams about his dead father whom he loved very much. This is why he runs away from home when he finds out that the lieutenant is courting his mother.

Main Cast

Jana Švandová

Jana Švandová

maminka Přibylová

Age : 77 | Popularity : 23%

Michal Dlouhý

Michal Dlouhý

Ondra - syn Přibylové

Age : 56 | Popularity : 20%

Marek Mikuláš

Marek Mikuláš

Martin - Ondrův mladší bratr

Age : 52 | Popularity : 1%

Lubomír Kostelka

Lubomír Kostelka

správce Škurek

Age : 91 | Popularity : 14%

Miroslav Macháček

Miroslav Macháček

antifašista Alfred Bartl zvaný Freda

Age : 68 | Popularity : 20%

Jiří Kodet

Jiří Kodet

František Přibyl, otec Ondry a Martina

Age : 67 | Popularity : 21%

Ivan Vyskočil

Ivan Vyskočil

nadporučík Bedřich

Age : 78 | Popularity : 17%

Bára Štěpánová

Bára Štěpánová


Age : 65 | Popularity : 13%


Department Role Name
Writing Creative Producer
Ota Hofman
Ota Hofman
Karel Kachyňa
Karel Kachyňa
Vladimír Körner
Vladimír Körner
Vladimír Körner
Vladimír Körner
Directing First Assistant Director
Zeno Dostál
Zeno Dostál
Assistant Director
Stanislava Hutková
Stanislava Hutková
Karel Kachyňa
Karel Kachyňa
Crew Script
Anna Lackovičová
Anna Lackovičová
Special Effects
Boris Masník
Boris Masník
Jana Knitlová
Jana Knitlová
Camera Camera Operator
Pavel Nečesal
Pavel Nečesal
Assistant Camera
David Remunda
David Remunda
Director of Photography
Jan Čuřík
Jan Čuřík
Still Photographer
Vladimír Souček
Vladimír Souček
Art Production Design
Zbyněk Hloch
Zbyněk Hloch
Assistant Production Design
Michael Poledník
Michael Poledník
Set Decoration
Viktor Gajdoš
Viktor Gajdoš
Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Jiří Žák
Jiří Žák
Costume & Make-Up Costumer
Eva Martincová
Eva Martincová
Hana Mesteková
Hana Mesteková
Makeup & Hair
Jiří Šimon
Jiří Šimon
Bobo Sobotka
Bobo Sobotka
Vlasta Brijarová
Vlasta Brijarová
Costume Designer
Svatava Sophová
Svatava Sophová
Editing Assistant Editor
Eva Horázná
Eva Horázná
Jiří Brožek
Jiří Brožek
Sound Original Music Composer
Luboš Fišer
Luboš Fišer
Sound Assistant
Jiří Bělík
Jiří Bělík
František Belfín
František Belfín
Pavel Jelínek
Pavel Jelínek
Production Production Manager
Oldřich Mach
Oldřich Mach
Unit Production Manager
Jiří Ulrich
Jiří Ulrich
Eva Charvátová
Eva Charvátová
Assistant Production Manager
Vojtěch Panáček
Vojtěch Panáček
Department Role Name

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