Revenue: $254,805
Budget: $0
Profit: + $254,805
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 4
Release Date: Sep 20, 1996
Rating: 1996-09-20
Run Time: 1h 33m
Original Language: Spanish
Website: -
Production Countries: Spain
Production Companies: Oberón Cinematográfica
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An irresponsible young Spaniard having spent 6 months in jail for embezzlement gets a job as a waiter in a bar restaurant and becomes involved in a stolen goods racket.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Antonio Chavarrías
Writing | Writer |
Antonio Chavarrías
Production | Producer |
Antonio Chavarrías
Editing | Editor |
Ernest Blasi
Camera | Director of Photography |
Andreu Rebés
Sound | Original Music Composer |
Javier Navarrete
Department | Role | Name |