

Revenue: $0

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Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

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Rating: N/A

Run Time: 1h 28m

Original Language: English

Website: -

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Syeh Siti Kobar aka Wong Pamungkas, takes his revenge against the religious teachers for punishing Syeh Siti Jenar. He kills Brajanala, the Bagas Kuning village head, and takes control of the area, causing distress to the people. He next plans to take control of Demak, center of the Islamic Kingdom at the time. But then, Jaka Pratama, Pandu Narayana, Kyai Dollah Pekih, Dewi Sekardadu, and the daughter of the murdered Brajanala, Putih Mewangi, plan a strategy to kill Syeh Siti Kobar.

Main Cast

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Directing Director
Ratno Timoer
Ratno Timoer
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