

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: -

Rating: N/A

Run Time: 12h 45m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries: China

Production Companies:




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"People started to literally disappear, communities were being emptied of adult men and women." China researcher It's a remote corner of the world, but what is taking place there is nothing short of breathtaking. "My older brother, younger brothers and two younger sisters, five siblings were all taken by... masked police. Heavily armed Special Forces police raided their home and taken (sic) them by covering their face and shackling them in front of the kids." Australian Uyghur

Main Cast

Sophie McNeill

Sophie McNeill


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Production Producer
Jeanavive McGregor
Jeanavive McGregor
Meredith Griffiths
Meredith Griffiths
Michael Welsh
Michael Welsh
Echo Hui
Echo Hui
Bang Xiao
Bang Xiao
Nathan Ruser
Nathan Ruser
Paul Akkermans
Paul Akkermans
Post Producer
James Braye
James Braye
Production Manager
Wendy Purchase
Wendy Purchase
Supervising Producer
Morae Ramsey
Morae Ramsey
Executive Producer
Sally Neighbour
Sally Neighbour
Editing Editor
Michael Nettleship
Michael Nettleship
Additional Editing
James Braye
James Braye
Archival Footage Research
Michelle Baddiley
Michelle Baddiley
Simon Brazzalotto
Simon Brazzalotto
Art Art Designer
Andrew McKenzie
Andrew McKenzie
Title Designer
Lodi Kramer
Lodi Kramer
Crew Legal Services
Jennifer Arnup
Jennifer Arnup
Deborah Auchinachie
Deborah Auchinachie
Digital Producer
Brigid Andersen
Brigid Andersen
Georgina Piper
Georgina Piper
Sound Sound Mixer
Evan Horton
Evan Horton
Rick Turk
Rick Turk
Department Role Name

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