
TMDB Rating 3.5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

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Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: Oct 12, 2022

Rating: 2022-10-12

Run Time: 1h 24m

Original Language: French

Website: -

Production Countries: France

Production Companies:



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One is confined to Paris, the other to the countryside. One is a writer, the other a director. In the spring of 2020, both correspond with their phones. They film the real and film themselves in the test, during the epidemic. This crossing of time is a historical document, intimate and collective, funny and profound, shot in the urgency of the event. What to do with this “dead time”, this regained time?

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Vincent Dieutre
Vincent Dieutre
Julien Thèves
Julien Thèves
Department Role Name

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