Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 3
Release Date: Nov 15, 1990
Rating: 1990-11-15
Run Time: 1h 35m
Original Language: langcode.cn
Website: -
Production Countries: Hong Kong
Production Companies:
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Confirmed bachelor Man Suen, a university professor, must get married by the age of 35 otherwise he and his playboy brother Ray Suen won't inherit his father's fortune of 50 million dollars which will then go to his uncle. He is unaware that his colleague, the prim Miss Cheung, is in love with him and that she dreams of being rescued by her super-costumed hero. His brother has met a young heiress and his uncle has hired a sexy siren to prevent his marriage. This is the setting for the three lead actresses to display a surprising amount of softcore nudity and they are very attractive eye candy
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Ho Fan
Department | Role | Name |