

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

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Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jun 6, 1976

Rating: 1976-06-06

Run Time: 1h 05m

Original Language: English

Website: -

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Watch The Adventures of a Nurse (Parts I and II)

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Part I: The artist, in the role of a nurse, fantasizes on romantic themes, using a set of foot-high, hand-painted paper dolls as actors. A fantasy within a fantasy. The "Nurse Eleanor" paper doll performs as a surrogate self for Nurse Eleanor Antin and is the much put-upon but brave heroine of a succession of romances with a dying poet, a biker, and a doctor. Part II: "Nurse Eleanor's" romantic odyssey continues with two new lovers — a French ski bum and an anti-war senator.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Eleanor Antin
Eleanor Antin
Department Role Name

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