
TMDB Rating 5
IMDB Rating 3.9


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: As long as there are two men left on earth, there will be war!

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Jan 23, 1969

Rating: 1969-01-23

Run Time: 1h 31m

Original Language: Italian

Website: -

Production Countries: Italy , Spain

Production Companies: Producciones Cinematográficas Hispamer Films , Prodimex Film




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The Allied D-Day invasion is a success, and German forces begin leave Normandy. After an ambush takes out a set of Panzer tanks led by German Lt. Hunter, he finds himself alone with his unit in what may be the last Panzer that's still operational. While traveling through the French countryside, Cooper meets Jeanette, a woman who offers to lead the troops back to Germany, but his feelings for her get in the way of his survival instincts.

Main Cast

Stelvio Rosi

Stelvio Rosi

Lt. Hunter

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Erna Schürer

Erna Schürer


Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Guy Madison

Guy Madison


Age : 74 | Popularity : 50%

Rubén Rojo

Rubén Rojo

Sgt. Schultz

Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Milo Quesada

Milo Quesada


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Roberto Maldera

Roberto Maldera


Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%

Carlo Simoni

Carlo Simoni


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Enrique Ávila

Enrique Ávila


Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%


Department Role Name
Writing Story
Giuseppe Chiarolla
Giuseppe Chiarolla
Giuliana Garavaglia
Giuliana Garavaglia
José Luis Merino
José Luis Merino
Sound Music
Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
Sound Recordist
Nello Boraso
Nello Boraso
Directing Director
José Luis Merino
José Luis Merino
Assistant Director
Alberto Chiarolla
Alberto Chiarolla
Script Supervisor
Paola Buzzi
Paola Buzzi
Isabel Campos
Isabel Campos
Camera Director of Photography
Emanuele Di Cola
Emanuele Di Cola
Editing Editor
José Antonio Rojo
José Antonio Rojo
Art Art Direction
Eduardo Torre de la Fuente
Eduardo Torre de la Fuente
Production Executive Producer
Enrico Colombo
Enrico Colombo
Production Manager
Angel Roson
Angel Roson
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Giorgio De Dauli
Giorgio De Dauli
Department Role Name

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